We all need and deserve compassion, yet the person we can be hardest on is often ourselves.

Practising self-compassion can help us relax our harsh inner critic and reconnect us to our natural resources of empathy and kindness. It can help us to bear difficult situations with more patience and inner strength, leading to more resilience, confidence and contentment. We also discover that by taking care of ourselves in this way we are more open, ready and capable to practise compassion for others.

Self Compassion Gathering

We meet periodically to explore the practice of self-compassion in a bit more depth. We will: introduce some of the theory, learn a few simple practices, check in with how our practice is progressing and where we might be getting stuck, support each other to make the practise of self-compassion part of our everyday experience.

Next Gathering

Sunday, 9th March, 18.00 - 19.30 (CET)

Please register if you plan to attend. We will send you a Zoom link for this session (the link is different than for the daily meditations.)

As with all programmes at The Meditation Cafe, this gathering is offered freely but donations are appreciated.

Self Compassion Practice

Your are welcome to join our guided self compassion practice every Sunday, 19.00 - 19.40 (except when the gathering is happening.) The Zoom link for these is the same as for all our daily meditations. You can request this from the homepage.